seems weird
1. refusing to attend a party where alcohol will be served.
2. walking out of the theater in the middle of a pg-13 movie filled with four-letter words.
3. abstaning from sexual intimacy outside of marriage.
4. reaching out to the campus dweeb.
the truth is, if you are really committed 100-percent to Christ, your entire lifestyle may seem weird to friends who don't share you faith. here's an example:
16 years old Britni was determined to serve God with a 100-percent committment. but each day she had lunch with the same group of girls, who bragged about their sexual escapades and hassled Britni for her "prudishness." one day, she'd had it. britni looked the girls in the eye and said, "anytime i want to, i can become just like you. but you'll never be able to regain what you lost. you can never go back and reclaim what i still have." guess what! they never made fun of her again. your friends won't understand your godly convictions.they won't relate to your standards and your morality.
but... what did the scripture say? "the answer lies in Christ." if you maintian a strong, intimate, growing relationship with Jesus, others will eventually respect the peace that's shining through your life. they'll notice your calm spirit, your confidence, your deep satisfaction in something (and someone) much more powerful party than a weekend party. and who knows? eventually...they may even ask you how you get what you have!! on-fire Christians may seem weird to the world. that's okay. expect it. know that people won't understand. that's not the issue. the issue is remaining focused on God.