): i miss her.
i slept at 4.30am and woke up at 6.45am to get ready and go to my uncle's house.
went there, draggg myself out of bed. went to the house, waited for the rest. really sleepy.
after that, went to the grave. dad's family is buddist/taoist don't ask me the difference man. haha, everything also believe. yes, so they had the chanting thing? what is that called? tiao kang or something. oh well, while that whole thing went on, my sister uncle bernerd and myself went to see those little puppies. like around the place there is many many puppies, yes, went to play with them. THEY ARE SOOO GUAI. i don't even know them and they actually LISTEN TO ME. like with a snap of my finger they follow me. AHH! SO CUTE. THEY CAN POSE BETTER THEN MY STUPID (BUT I OH SO LOVEEE HER) DOG.
after that, went home, lunch, went out with kajie to rent VCDs again, came home, went out again to meet steph. TO QUE UP FOR THOSE DONUTS! I BOUGHT LIKE TWO DOZEN. haha, oh well, thats the max a person can buy. kinda cool. the donut IS NICE. really. hahaha, after that i went home again, then went OUT again, to meet biujie then keith came along. dinner together walk a little then home. ok no more going out. i'm DEAD TIRED, going out then home out then home out then home is no joke, i can't move anymore, seriously. dead tired, my eyes are like little almonds. closing ANYTIME.
thats about today, below are some pictures of those dogs i found near the graves. really cute. THEY CAN POSE WELL.