the more i sleep, the more tired i get.
but the less i sleep, the more restless i get.
sleeping sucks.
but i still love sleeping. hoho.
i've got driving later again.
and seriously, i'm totallllly broke.
i just realise i spend alllllll my savings and allowance on my driving.
and everytime daddy gives me money, it's all for my driving!
and at the end of the day, i've got 0 bucks.
cause when dad gives me back the money i paid for my driving using my own money, i got to spend that money for driving.
freakin ex.
i don't even wanna calculate how much i've spent.
and thats not all.
ALOT ALOT more to come.
looking PRETTY positive that i can get my license this year.
at least by the end of this year, which is not very far from now.
and thennn, it would be a NEW YEAR.
anyway, i've not been home the past few days.
or rather, i've been going out till dammit late.
or rather, EARLY.
ohhhh wellllssssss....
there's something scary about facebook.
honestly, really scary.
it's the my-mum-dad-uncle-aunties-all-have-facebook-too part.
then they seem soooo free to comment and write on your wall all the time.
thats how they stalk us kids, from the virtual world.
and i realise, MANY MANY MANY of my friends DO NOT add their family in facebook.
cause it's rather scary, like parents STALKING their kids. hahahahhaha.
cause their parents will comment on everything and anything. haha.
just like how cute mummykins is.
she actually commented on one of my PICTURE.
asking if i'll be home for dinner tonight.
howwww cute can that get.
seriously, amazing ain't it?
i've got a really creative mother.
and my friends will ask me like, YOUR MOTHER ASK YOU ON FACEBOOK IF YOU'RE GOING HOME FOR DINNER?! and stuff.
it's really amazing how facebook draw sooo many million billion people together.
i cut my hair.
and i dyed it.
and i love it.

i look like xiao mei mei now.
totally act cute though.
but i love it.
the power of sticking to 1 stylist for yearsssssss.
to think of it ah, i've not been in town for a really long time.
i've actually just been around the east east east.
okay luh, did go to town.
but that was for spanish.
thats all.
have been soo caught up in my own world.
anyway, i want a cat.
like, seriously.
thinking of bringing her home.
hope that shino don't eat her up though ):
mum and dad will be going to desaru over the weekend.
a nice get away for them, AGAIN.
the malaysia trip 3 weeks back is not enough for them.
clearly not enough isn't it. haha.
mum is asking dad to go on MORE GETAWAYS NOW.
and sis wants more holidays too.
duh, i want right.
it's funny how the malaysia trip change us all.
suddenly, go on short trips sooooo often.
after this desaru trip, dad actually said to plan another short one, so that sis and me can join. hahaha. i find it funnnny.
mum and dad were not like this last time. haha.
anyway, was out days ago with 2 friends.
and we're crazy people.
haha. we took soo many pictures!
so fun, but could not upload to facebook.
weird facebook.
haha. we laugh like we own the place.
we laugh like the it's in the day.
we laugh like we totally don't know that it's 3am.
i'm soo soo soo sooo freaking sleepy now ):
like, super duper uper!
but, i've got driving.
i think i'm totally screwed on the 1st week of sep.
seriously, i've got driving E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.
its soo soo soo soo soooooooo hard to book.
so i one shot just book as many as i can.
it's really tiring though.
everytime after lesson, i always feel like i'm going to die.
later my lesson is at night some more.
fun is fun, but never knew driving is THAT tiring.
was just telling mum how worried and scared i'll be if i'm the instructor.
cause like, i'll be sitting at the pesseneger side, and the driver is someone who have NEVER drove before.
and this post is going NOWHERE.
it's way too toooo random.
kay byesszxzxz.
the sweetsweet scent.