as many of you may have already know.
my house got broken into, well not exactly BROKEN.
but more like, climbed into.
and stole 2 bicycles, one of which cost thereabout 10 grand.
i would have taken pictures, but i did not. plus, it's like 2211hrs already.
it would be mad of me.
i shall draw it out using paint.
please bear with me.
i'm trying real hard to make it make sense. haha.

okay, it's alot to swallow.
so let me explain how it happen.
fella first step on my letter box shade. (to prevent rain from entering, so papa had a shade there, a wooden shade)
second, just stretch to climb in. (where bigger shaded pink area)
it's hard to explain why that person can step there, but person can.
cause of the letterbox? if you can make sense out of it.
it's like a 'cupboard' there, got a door to open inside the house to get our letter.
so thats why fella got in.
so now, the top right hand corner, extreme top right, see the word BIKE?
that is where both the bikes are placed.
this picture is draw is not 100% accurate.
cause the picture is too small.
so thats how both the bike got stolen.
sian right, i know.
this happen in the middle of the night (clearly)
and mum found out that bikes were gone in the morning.
so now, i'm bike-less.
and bing's racer is gone ):
anyway, had pohpia party today.
damn shiok.
food was yums to the max.
made our own pohpia.
damn fun!
mine turned out, black.
cause i really like sweet sauce, so i put more of it.
so it soak through the skin. heh.
but it's super duper nice lah.
only thing, now my breath stinks of garlic. super duper garlicky.
anyway, i dyed my hair black.
but knowing me, i won't go allllll black.
so i did red underneath.
not fire red, cause i didn't bleach.
so it's just a mellow red.
love it!
it's FINALLY 2010.
not that i've got anything for 2010.
it's just a new year.
so much things i wanna do though. heh.
how did you spend your countdown?
i know i spent mine, really simple and ehh, serious.
was out, chillin by a poolside.
jus the 2 of us, when i suddenly heard people shouting '7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!!!!!!!!!!!...happpppppy new yearrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!'
and it echoed round the whole world.
and me?
simply picked up my phone, call mum and wish her a happy new year, and dad of course.
tried calling gramps, but no answer, i guess others was faster than me.
have been sooo wordy sooo far.
manage to dig some pictures out to upload.
pictures of meowmeowww.
i know it seems like i've been neglecting shino alot.
cause i've been taking videos of them both, but it takes damn long to upload their videos.
so i just never bother to. ha.
but cause meow have been really interesting.
like for an example

this is how she sleeeeeeps.

and when she gets greedy.
if you're wondering if we did give the milk and cereal to her.
we did not. haha.
last but not least.
my favorite picture for now.

i like this picture.
though i look weirdly fat.
well, goodday and goodnight!!
p/s: i find it funny how people at the other end of the world is cheering cause it's 1 January, but for us in Singapore it's still 31st Dec.
p/s/s: if you're thinking of climbing into my house now, using the same method.
dream on.
1. that fella step on our letterbox shade and broke it.
so no more place for anyone to step.
2. did just put a damn big HUGEASS cactus on top.